Let's see how long it takes me to eat a bottle of Blair's Mega Death Sauce

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sometimes I Eat On A Box.

I have to say I am making some good progress on this bottle. I'm about an inch down from when I started, things are moving along quite well. Overall I have to say I'm enjoying this experiment, all my meals have that delicious burn that I enjoy so much.

My chosen hot sauce, Dave's Insanity is not the hottest in the world, but it's a solid "Extreme" hot sauce. It has a nice flavor and of course plenty of kick. There are so many hotter sauces on the market, but it usually requires ordering online, paying for shipping then waiting around. For instant gratification a brick and mortar store works really well. I bought this guy at Cal Tor with a dollar off coupon so the price was nice and it was close-by. So, Insanity Sauce it is, I really like Ultimate Insanity and really really want to try the Ghost Pepper sauce, but alas I'll have to save it for the future.

This was veggie-chili with mashed potato and cheese. I have to say it was really good. I worked up a nice sweat eating this one.

This was a box dinner I had, meaning I ate my dinner on a box. It's all green and looks very nice, but below is two burritos, chili and cheese. The topping is guac, celantro and green peppers. The hot sauce on this one was a little more hidden.

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