Let's see how long it takes me to eat a bottle of Blair's Mega Death Sauce

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting Close

I'm past the bottom of the bar code, and in just a few days time. I have to say I'm impressed with myself. It's been many eye watering dinners and lunches but it's been a good journey so far. My taste buds are bemoning that this is coming to an end, but I think that there could be another bottle in my future. I'm thinking about the Dave's Ghost Pepper hot sauce or Ultimate Insanity. 

It's been a while since I posted last but I have been taking photos so here is where all that sauce went. 

Leftover pizza from Capitol City Brewing. My camera says this was 10/25. The pizza was already really good, as most za is, but the greatness of day after pizza and the hot sauce really made this one great.  


Burritos, chili and cheese. The cheese really helps smooth out the hot sauce. I read once it was the lactose that helps with the heat. So if you happen to eat something beyond your spice level drink some milk or eat a block of cheese. Beer is supposed to make it worse. Oh well.  The camera says this is 10/26.

Look where I was after those meals. Not too shabby. 

This was 10/28, according to Nikon Coolpix. I was going for soupcano (Soup Volcano) The hot sauce is the lava. Mashed potato is the volcano, the little bits of broccoli are the villagers, the cheese is sulfuric acid slowly escaping. 

Leftover soupcano. 10/29

Mac n Cheese n Veggies n Dave. 11/01. 

Delicious oven pizza. I. Love. Pizza. You can see that sauce levels are getting dangerously low.

Past the bar code, happy days. 

Annnnnnnnnnd....... of course more pizza. 11/9

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