Let's see how long it takes me to eat a bottle of Blair's Mega Death Sauce

Monday, December 27, 2010

Everything Should Be Wrapped In Pizza

This is very late but oh well. I had an interesting thanksgiving meal. I came up with it while I was drinking at a bar, so of course it's awesome. The original idea was wrapping a slice of Jumbo Slice around a Subway sandwich. I was at first excited to have created a new delicious food, but it seems I was beat to the punch by a couple of days. Right before I was set to make my creation, thisiswhyyourfat.com had a post about a "Philly Taco".

Trudging ahead even though I was no longer breaking new ground, I decided to make my dream a reality. I was going to stop by Subway then get some pizza and make it happen. Sadly, everything was closed and I had to resort to plan B. Fearing that everything would be closed on turkey day I bought all the fixins for a faux turkey sub and an oven pizza. It. Was. Awesome!

Yes, this is a faux turkey and swiss sub with an pizza wrapped around it. I think it would have been better with the name brand jumbo slice because this pizza kinda fell apart as I ate it. I only got about a third of the way through before I called it quits. In true thanksgiving dinner fashion I ate the rest the next day for several meals.

Kevins Thanksgiving Pizza Wrapped Sub.

  • One Package of Deli Sliced Tofurkey
  • Four Slices of Swiss Cheese
  • Slathering of English Mustard
  • French Bread 
  • Frozen Pizza

End of the End, Start of the Start

This experiment has come to a close. The bottle is done and I drained every drop out of it. I didn't post everything I put hot sauce on and every saucy experience I had, but that's most likely for the best.

Towards the end, I went so far as to fill it back up again and with taco sauce, so I could get the little bit stuck to the edges. The super spicy taco sauce worked really well, the hint of Dave's gave the tacos a nice smouldering heat that didn't overpower but gave it a kick.  

So that's that. It took me about six months, I ate many many tacos, a smattering of pizza, some grinders and a lot of mac 'n cheese. I got adjusted to the heat quite quickly and found myself adding more and more. I really want to kick it up a notch next time and try a hotter hot sauce, that's why I'm proud to announce a new nonscientific experiment this time with Blair's Mega Death Sauce.

I was lucky enough to receive a bottle of Blair's Mega Death Sauce for the holidays and now get to start over again this time with an even hotter sauce. Mega death sauce is rated 550,000 Scoville Heat Units, a step up from Dave's Insanity Sauce. First on the Blairs spiced food train is of course tacos. Rather simple tacos from me but I was bored at the store and just wanted to go home. A little faux meat, beans, cheese, guacamole and then a few drops of Blair's.

This is my first experience with Blair's so I started out carefully putting three drops on the tacos. I put so little on them that I got a nice balance of heat and flavor. I have high hopes for the rest of my new bottle buddy.